
Waste disposal procedures

Waste disposal procedures

Types of designated waste and whether waste analysis is required

“Designated waste” refers to waste from businesses that may contaminate the surrounding environment, such as waste oil or waste acid, or that may be harmful to the human body, such as medical waste, as specified by Presidential Decree. Article 2 of the Waste Management Act

Types of designated waste
Article 3 of the Enforcement Decree of the Waste Management Act [Appendix 1]
Constellation Waste Analysis
Waste generated from specific facilities Waste synthetic polymer compound (waste synthetic resin) Liquid Designated waste excluding component analysis
Waste synthetic polymer compound (waste synthetic rubber) Liquid
Corrosive waste Closed mountain Liquid Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) 2.0 or less
Alkali lung Liquid Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) 12.5 or higher,
Contains potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide
Waste containing hazardous substances slag Limited to those exceeding the hazardous substance content standards in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Waste Management Act [Appendix 1].
Waste foundry and sandblasting waste
Refractory materials and ceramic fragments
Stabilized or solidified/solidified products
waste catalyst
Absorbents and absorbents
Shredded fluorescent lamps
Waste organic solvent Halogenated waste organic solvents
Other waste organic solvents
Waste paint and lacquer Designated waste excluding component analysis
▶Waste paint containers (except dry ones with less than 6mm of remaining paint from the bottom of the container)
Waste oil Limited to those with 5% or more oil content
Waste containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Liquid Containing more than 2 milligrams per liter
High-grade Containing more than 0.003 milligrams per liter of solution
Toxic waste Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Chemical Substances Control ActWhen disposing of toxic substances
Medical waste Designated waste excluding component analysis

※ Designated waste excluding component analysis : Refer to Ministry of Environment Regulation No. 602, Guidelines for Processing Work on Reporting and Confirming Treatment Plans for Industrial Waste Dischargers

※ Ministry of Environment Regulation No. 602

  • Liquid: Water content exceeding 85%
  • High-grade: Having a solid content of 15% or more

※ The above content is a summary of environmental laws. For detailed information, please refer to the Waste Management Act (Ministry of Environment > Laws/Policies > Current Laws).

Waste Disposal Plan

1) Persons subject to reporting of waste disposal plan among designated wastes Article 18-2 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Waste Management Act (Confirmation of Designated Waste Treatment Plan)

Waste Types Emissions
Oni Monthly average of 500kg or more
Waste pesticides, slag, dust, waste foundry sand, waste sand, waste refractories, ceramic fragments, incineration ash, stabilized or solidified materials, waste catalysts, waste adsorbents, waste absorbents, waste organic solvents or waste oil Each month's average is 50 kg or a total of 130 kg or more
Waste synthetic polymer compounds, waste acids, waste alkalis, waste paints or waste lacquers Each month average of 100kg or a total monthly average of 200kg or more
Asbestos Monthly average of 20kg or more
Polychlorinated biphenyl containing waste Reporting target regardless of emissions
Toxic waste
Medical waste

2) Documents required for application for waste disposal plan Article 17 of the Waste Management Act (Obligations of Business Waste Disposers, etc.)

Documents required for basic processing certification note
Application form: Waste disposal plan (change) form Enforcement Regulations of the Waste Management Act [Appendix 12]
Copy of waste disposal contract between discharger, transporter and processor
Copy of waste analysis report (if required)
Copy of the disposal company's abandoned waste disposal performance insurance policy
Original certificate of consignment processing capacity and waste consignment
Copy of the waste disposal business license of the processor and transporter
The emitter's Waste Hazard Information SheetProvided to transporter/processor prior to discharge

※ Application agency: Local environmental office in charge of business site or city/provincial governor ※ The above content is a summary of environmental laws. For detailed information, please refer to the Waste Management Act (Ministry of Environment > Laws/Policies > Current Laws).